Accessing the power of linear AND circular thinking
Fostering leadership for the 21st Century

Mantorshift Podcast episode discussing The Bridge
If you're curious to learn more about the core patterns of linear and circular thinking and how they shape our world, I encourage you to tune in to my episode on the Mantorshift podcast. Together, let's continue to explore new horizons and embrace a mindset of growth and possibility.

Real Leaders Magazine 2024 Featuring The Bridge
I am honoured to have been included in the Spring 2024 edition of Real Leaders magazine.
Real Leaders magazine is the voice of sustainable businesses and individuals that strive for a better world. So excited to be a part of this important conversation.

The Thing About Suffering
There are two kinds of suffering. One is the kind you can control. If it is within your power to stop it, not taking action is self-neglect, cowardice or falling victim to self-centred leadership.

Engagement and Shareholder Primacy
How is a company supposed to deal with the UN declaration of Indigenous groups’ entitlement to ‘free prior and informed consent’ and meet their obligation to shareholders?

A New Road for EAs?
Linear leadership understands power as the ability to assert your will, even against resistance. In this mindset, the environmental assessment (EA) process is linked to the licencing process as a watchdog for potential problems.

The Movie Arrival is All About 2WK
Louise and Ian, a linguist and a scientist, are rushed by helicopter to the site of an alien arrival. Somehow they have to decode the alien communication system, or as Louise would say, have a conversation with them.

Climate Change is Not a Hero Story
In many ways, the documentary An Inconvenient Truth was the call to action against the impending dangers of climate change. The car-driving, hamburger-eating, consumer-driven cultures paused in their tracks to watch the film.

Efficiency or Resilience: can we have both?
Efficiency is the elimination of waste. But what if waste is actually a nutrient in a new system. In this case, efficiency is the elimination of nutrients. Resilience, on the other hand is a measure of how ready we are to incorporate those nutrients.

The Slippery Slope Myth
No doubt you’ve seen this play out before. Someone asks for a concession at work, for example, an employee with a sick daughter asks if she can work from home for a few days.

Are You a Circular or a Linear Thinker?
Have you ever been in a conversation and felt like you've just been hit by a train? Or, that the person you are talking to is from another planet, and there might be unicorns and endless time there?

Jill Bolte Taylor’s Story
From a circular perspective, there are two ways of knowing because that is what we experience. This is valid even without scientific study or expert advice.

What Do You Get From Complaining and Gossip?
Will Bowen’s 21-Day complaint free challenge has been getting a lot of media attention lately. It made me wonder why people are finding this challenge, well, so challenging.